
a day in the dumps

it's not your typical tourist destination, but yesterday i went to the wellington landfill because they have a "tip shop"... a used junk shop at the face of the dump.

landfills and scrap yards are just like the movies:
* huge, ugly, mean guard dogs that growled at me (check) (and check a second time)
* crazy man with 3 teeth missing and a scragly beard that calmed the dogs (check)
* birds ominously circling overhead (check)
* a faint smell of vomit that got stronger with each step (check)

the hillside around the dump was covered in gorse (prickly stickly hedging the english brought over) and pretty much every gorse plant had a plastic bag flying from it like a proud garbage flag.

the tip shop was disappointing (no USB keyboards or VGA cables)... and i certainly wasn't interested in buying barwear from it. but if i ever need a bike....

all in all, a huge success. visit your local tip today.

1 comment:

-SH said...

Talk about dumpster diving. ;-)