
late night stroll

after being cranky, bored and lonely all night [personal choosing], i took a walk to lighten my mood. a scrawny asian man with an equally scrawny goatee and wife beater approached me. with arms exaggerating each word he asked "have you seen... ah.... a... female walking around?"

i said no since i had been preoccupied trying to remember how a dime ended up in my right pants pocket (stamp purchasing)... but as i walked away, i wondered if he's the kind of guy i should have pointed towards "a female walking around"... or if she was notably missing for a reason...


seriously, folks

now that they've raised the minimum wage, you have no excuse for not going out and getting a job instead of wasting your day away reading this blog.


sharing a moment

i was carting computers down a basement hallway, when a lady got in my way. we did the side to side dance, smiled brightly at our mutual politeness and shared a truly human moment.

only as she passed, did i finally realize (despite the tattered pink prom dress, distressed charcoal hair, goth-style make-up) that she was a homeless lady babbling to herself on the way to the restroom.


spinning out of control

generation bob has decided to adapt his natural agility and breakdancing body moves to sign spinning.

getting the ladies, check.
appearing hot at all time, check.
feeling the rhythm of shizzaz meeting corporate ads, check.


robot twin

japanese scientists make lifelike robot twins of human mens and womens.

as all technology, it is not perfect. twins are often cold and mechanical in temperament.

order your replacement-me soon.


nerd to the third

new service, ccube [pronounced SEE-see-cube] stands for click, call, connect. like other stalkernets such as facebook and myspace this service also allows grown men to contact little children... only this time by dialing an "anonymous" phone number.

yet another reason to flee to new zealand.


year of change :: life announcement

in show of independence, generation bob leaves amerika.

as of august 31st, generationbob's residence, work, mentality and life moves to new zealand.