
test of love

as a test of love today, i retrieved circus peanuts and left them in a room with tasha. i wanted to see whether she thought they were food or not. thankful, not a single peanut had even been licked. she's cool in my book.


the squirrel report

tasha has never seen squirrels. everywhere we go, she stops to point out their wacky antics.

this week, the squirrels:
* gathered nuts, seeds and leaves from minnesotan's yards
* jumped from tree branch to tree branch
* climbed into holes on the trees
* looked generally cute

this has been a squirrel report


politics as usual

i'm so glad today's the last day of the campaign.



senility: climbing on the roof with your step ladder to search the gutters for what i can only assume are pennies. they used to buy quite a lot... now you'll be lucky to find a tootsie roll.

what killed this blog

what killed this blog?

the beautiful indian summer we've been having.... that ends the day tasha gets here.

and work. who wants to come home and blog after a day of sitting in front of the computer.

the CIA... just like kennedy...