
social graces

after listening to a song about parents forgetting their myspace page, kids finding it and being embarrassed by their parents, i finally deleted my friendster and myspace page. the last time i had logged into either was over 18 months ago.

i really hope i don't end up regretting the loss of my precious friendster data.


toilet paper

today i learned that some people crumple toilet paper instead of folding it. to be honest, that method never even crossed my mind.


spring break

spring break. woot woot. while some men trolled the beaches, i visited nasa. rockets are huge and awesome.

and there are lots of gators around kennedy space center.


the hummometer

a friend is touring israel.

i have asked her to notify me how many times per day she is offered hummus.

as of day 2, she has been offered hummus 3 times



the roadmap through my thursday looks something like this:
work then dinner then bed.



there is a storm projected for tomorrow. it will be a lightweight. i refuse to acknowledge any storm that hits a few days before st. patty's day.


spring forward cleaning

This weekend was spring cleaning. Tasha and I filled 2 paper grocery bags of clothes and 1 plastic Target bag of trash.

Now that there's room in the closet, it's time to stimulate the economy.



replica storm trooper outfits hit hard by recent economic downturn.

attention all nerds: it's a good time to buy.


it's just easier this way.



i have nothing to blog about today. the only things that come to mind are "cookies" and "bananas". or the fact that i have both a blue folder AND an orange folder on my desk.