
car not-car car

rueben, never the popular neighbor, changes his oil


that old joke...

did you hear the one about darth vadar, super woman, and three vampresses who went to a thanksgiving celebration.....


holiday meet and greet

the holidays :: officially upon us
pause to introduce yourself [as you see fit] to the other gb readers

i'm too busy to field questions about who's who if everyone's to get their food while it's still hawt.

happy black friday


he piers with envy

wellington harbor, night


god's sign

found :: answer to job woes
problem[new] :: finding a dog

ripe bananas

i bought 42 ripe bananas for $1.50USD.
the allure overcame me.
now i must figure out how to process 42 ripe bananas.


still unemployed

for the first time in a job interview, i refused to lie.
i did not get the job.
a five week christmas break is "excessive".

the cinema will have to wait until january.


funny fists

the last couple nights i've developed three little bumps/rashes/bites on my left hand. they're starting to form the southern cross... i wonder if it's some sort of kiwi stigmata.

dream fight sequence

imagine :: the best action movie ever.
imagine :: the coolest hand-to-hand fight sequence.
answer :: what interesting objects are they using as weapons?


bad houseguest

our kurrent houseguest pees all over the toilet without discrimination. it's disgusting. i have never seen so much urine dispersed over such a great area. he has obviously never read everybody poops or met a gentleman of larry david's caliber.

i barely understand men who pee standing up, let alone one with negative forty-five kommon kourtesies towards their host.


site announcement

new feature :: quiz
experimental phase AA44CC

try it out, directly to your left


right and wrong

tip[1] :: use hands to pick up large popcorn tubs

tip[2] :: scoop ice-cream on the top of a cone, not the tip

useful life lessons i learned during my "on the job experience".
within 36 hours i hear whether i passed and will be offered a job at local cinema.


creativity, explained

take one object :: phonebook

then another :: nuts

combine in an unforeseen way


new boat

i bought a new boat. it's not much to look at, but the salesman assured me it was ocean-ready. someday i hope to add a mast, a motor and maybe even an anchor. this weekend i'll paint it white so it doesn't stick out as much.


my best day ever

today was a series of amazing events:

1. i had a good interview at a movie theatre for a super-part-time job that would allow me to watch tons of free movies.

2. after worrying i'd be stuck in sydney with no hotel over new years, i finally found one that wasn't $1000/night.

3. i did coffee with an actress i met after her play this weekend. it was not a date, but i can't imagine her not liking me.... it's just her boyfriend i'm unsure of....

4. i pre-finished writing my second movie. it's readable from start to finish, but there's 8 minutes in the middle i skipped the first time through.... gotta finish them tomorrow.

3. my flatmate took his certification exam, which means he's done studying. we celebrated with a game of risk.

2. i got a new sworn enemy on facebook.

1. i'm going to bed early, which means i get to read even more harry potter before falling asleep!


craft day: hat

"how did you spend your weekend?"
"i made a hat."
"cool, i didn't know you knit."
"it was out of paper... and attached to a $1,000 horse hair magistrate wig. the mohawk top was inspired by--"
gb looks around, but his audience had vanished.


56 and sunny

right now the weather is identical in wellington and minneapolis.
it's 3:45 CDT and i'm just waking up.
it's as if i never left.

anyone got a good weather site? i've stuck with weather.com out of habit more than anything.