
retroactive repayment

Attention all readers

As retroactive repayment for lost blog entries, you have each earned a predetermined number of printouts of the lollypop picture (above). Please look up the last 4 digits of your social security number and then print the lollypop picture the appropriate number of times.

SS# - prints allowed
1345 - 17 prints
6577 - 98 prints
6840 - 13 prints
6877 - 32 prints
9844 - 1 pint
0202 - 7 prints
2356 - 109 prints
2526 - 64 prints
3144 - 297 prints
3434 - 56 prints
5792 - 143 prints
6798 - 194 prints
7041 - 200 prints
7556 - 10 prints
8401 - 58 prints
8460 - 82 prints
9510 - 19 prints

Criterion for determining repayment includes (1) how frequently you checked my site, (2) how frequently you commented, (3) the quality of your comments, but mostly (4) how much i like you.


Anonymous said...

thanks, gb, for settling your past debts. I always knew you'd come through for us. we can now move forward with a clean slate.

Anonymous said...

That's Bull. Mine's not on there.

Unknown said...

Are you on Twitter? It seems like something you would do, for some reason.

Anonymous said...

Cool mine is 9844, when are you going to buy me my pint of beer?

Anonymous said...

i have not twittered nor do i really know what it is. however, it seems to track what you do and that's never a good thing at work!

Anonymous said...

it's actually a pint of buttermilk. (i thought the buttermilk was implied)