
home james

i've picked out my flight home.

but i'm afraid to buy it because a fare sale MUST be around the corner.
plus, it will cost $400 more to get home than it did to get here.
and if a different carrier takes me, i'd have enough miles for a free domestic flight.


Unknown said...

My wife and I had a similar situation a year ago when we wanted to fly to Montana. It was either spend $1300 on plane tickets or $300 on gas if we drove. We chose the latter.

I suggest you call up Roland Emmerich and order up one (1) frozen ocean, snag yourself an old Chevy (or the Kiwi equivalent) and hoof it back to the states the old-fashioned way.

Anonymous said...

i'm so glad you are coming home soonish...

but i am not so glad there are no sunday klippings this week :-(

Anonymous said...

i can't believe i know someone who went to see "the day after tomorrow". was it as horrible as it looked [leading question]?

the klippings were delayed, not completely unposted. the previous sentence doesn't even make sense, but it's for you koo