
giving back :: check

one month after arriving, i submitted an application to volunteer at karori [sanctuary for native flora/fauna]

two weeks ago, i was asked to be a guide, but training starts after my return [august XX] to the states.

in the mean time, i have received monthly volunteer newsletters and invitations to karori parties.

three days ago, i got an emergency call to fill in for "bill" the next two weeks. thinking about all the postage they have spent on me i had to say yes.

every even day for the next fortnight, i spend four hours delivering wombaroo [milk goo] to four feeders spread around the massive center. i monitor birds with tags. i can identify 4 different birds by their call.... and i leave muddy... very, very muddy...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay! That sounds fun. I'm glad you're getting to do it at least for a while.