
frozen coke

frozen coke reminds me of home. i had a frozen coke [slash frozen yogurt] maker that got a lot of use. it had a santa bear on it [side track].

i also used to frequent >the big boy< a drive-thru-only restaurant, which would serve me a frozen coke, fries and a hamburger flying style [burger prepared in a "sandwich maker" so the edges were sealed--perfect for pilots]

today i saw an ad for f-coke and wanted one so i could be home. sadly, the close mcdonalds didn't sell it, so i had to walk 267 steps to the far mcdonalds.

i made sure to buy the biggest size and walk back to the close mcdonalds so it could see me enjoying my childhood.


Anonymous said...

Those were the days. Although I've tried the frozen coke icees and they're just not quite the same. What happened to the santa bear freezers? do M&D still have them? It's been ages since I had a frozen coke b/c we never had real coke and it just didn't work the same with diet.

Anonymous said...

the bear freezers got discarded with the move.

i hate to endorse mcdonalds, but try them if you really need a frozen coke....

Unknown said...

The most amazing part of this story is that there are two McDs that are only 267 steps apart from each other.