
video week :: style

my personal blog style :: heavily influenced by the straktosphere.

my personal clothing style :: inspired by the disstraktor

backstory :: before i left, i donated my orange shirt to charity in his honor.


Unknown said...

What do you use to record and edit your videos?

(btw...the captcha for this post is "curps". It sounds like an animal they would have down in NZ. "Crikey, lookey here! A flock of curps!")

Generation Bob said...

curps are like little rabid donkeys that are shin high. they look cute, but bite.

the still images: are from my canon powershots digital cam.

old images: i scanned into my computer ages ago.

moving images: are with my sony "steady shot" digital 8 video camera.

all editing done with adobe premiere, my favorite editor.

Unknown said...

Nice. If you see a curp, take a pic and send it to me.

Canon: great cameras.

Digital 8: way to kick it old school.

Premiere: My first experience with bluescreen was with a copy of Premiere I "acquired" in college. I have since atoned for it by purchasing (legally) a copy of Final Cut Express, which I like even more.

Great vids, man.

disstraktor said...

notifikation :: advancement
matter :: straktosphere management

update. kommentator "gb" is named permanent interim direktor of the straktosphere, effektive until further notices.
