
"sanctuary on red alert"

when i arrived six months ago, i submitted an application to volunteer at a nature sanctuary.... i figured i could give something back to the community, learn about local fauna/flora, and maybe meet some interesting people.

instead, i get bi-weekly letters, updates, magazines, etc.... and my attempt to give to the sanctuary, has actually cost them a lot in postage.

i also love to marvel at what makes big news in new zealand....


We have had a sighting of either a stoat or weasel at the Sanctuary. An occasional bio-security breach is not unexpected and we are well prepared. The Conservation team immediately went in to action and 180 traps and tracking tunnels were installed. A partial paw print in one such tunnel has confirmed we have a large weasel or small stoat in the Sanctuary.

I do ask that you continue to be vigilant when in the Sanctuary, and obviously please advise a Conservation staff member if you think you see the pest whilst working in the Sanctuary.

We are issuing a press release to the media this afternoon. A copy of this is attached for your reference. Raewyn Empson, our Conservation Scientist is our media spokesperson.

Thank you everyone for your co-operation.

1 comment:

koo' said...

aw shame on them! they don't know what they are missing! you coulda fixed 'm up with wireless. missed you lots today!!!