
creativity, explained

take one object :: phonebook

then another :: nuts

combine in an unforeseen way


Anonymous said...

You went to too much trouble, gb.
The Pine Nuts that said, "May contain nuts," was funny itself! By the way, I changed the Risk box so it's promo now says, "For girls ages 12-adult."

Anonymous said...

May contain nuts...I tried to paste in a picture of Mt. Rushmore here. Aw nuts, it didn't work. Then the comment would be Cliff's line from a "Cheers" episode about Jeopardy: "Name 4 people who have never been in my kitchen." Well it's true!

Anonymous said...

how did george, tom, ted and abraham write that entry? one word at a time? or did one dictate, one write, one edit and one actually submit?

Anonymous said...

Here's a hint gb: George, Tom, Teddy (or was it Franklin, I always get them confused)and Abraham had been "stoned" together for some time when they wrote that....

Anonymous said...

This now explains the true reason why Reagan's likeness was suggested, but not added, to the monument. Nancy kept saying to him, "Just say 'no.' Ron."

Anonymous said...

i'm going to take your hint for granite.