
"pleasingly spiced beef"

"pleasingly spiced beef"... how a local food critic described a taco.

ate dinner with five "long termers", who found it easier to stay at the hostel indefinitely than to find their own place.

fished a torn up love letter out of the rubbish bin by the sea, but have yet to put it back together.

went to a "pub quiz"... they played 60 songs and we wrote down the title/artist... the "2001 theme year" was the only section i was any help with. although i'm not proud that my contribution was "enya" and "travis trit"


Karen said...

i believe you mean tritt...!

koo' said...

its OK mate, you'll find a home!!!

Anonymous said...

i think you mean "twit" instead of "unblinkingeye designs", don't you?

Unknown said...

the letter was from me. it was about the tacos.

good luck at the hostel, man. i have never been in one, but i have read about the "Hostel" movie, and they sound like mighty frightening places.