

because cheesecake doesn't have enough calories, my dad dipped it in batter, fried it in peanut oil, drizzled it with a pecan amaretto caramel and then served it with ice-cream. (the white specs are salt from the just-consumed corn of the cob--what a slob i've become)

this has been an airport update.


Unknown said...

I'm confused. Are you still in the airport where you landed a week ago? Does this airport also have Frank Lloyd Wright chairs? Does this airport, in addition to $80,000 chairs, have a science museum? Why is your dad in New Zealand? Why is Lloyd spelled with two ls?

I feel like C-3PO right now, though I'm not sure exactly why.

Anonymous said...

I think your dad left off the heaping dollop of lard and the fist-sized scoop of sugar. Otherwise looks fine!

Anonymous said...

i'm touring america en route to new zealand.... almost there...

lloyd is spelled with an ll so that spanyards can say "yoid"...

Karen said...

If you put that on a stick you could sell it at the MN State Fair!